We would like to welcome you to the "Dutch" AR-10 website. Via this website we hope to provide you as visitor the necessary information about this beautiful rifle and we also would like to tell something about its history.
The official ArmaLite Inc® website will show you chronologically the birth, it’s life path and further developments that came out of the AR-10 for future rifle releases manufactured by ArmaLite Inc®. Read more....
Fairchild Airplane
Some information about Fairchild Airplane and the AR-10. The story of the AR-10 began in 1954 when Richard Boutelle, president of Fairchild Engine and Aircraft Corporation, and George Sullivan, a patent agent for Lockheed, collaborated to form a company that would design and license firearms for production. Read more....
Eugene Morrison Stoner
There is a lot to say about Eugene Stoner and his history and involvement with Fairchild Airplane and the AR-10. To avoid duplication I would like to ask you to pay a visit to a website where you can find out more about Eugene Stoner. Read more....
History of 'Staatsbedrijf Artillerie Inrichtingen' and the AR-10
The AR-10 was manufactured under license of Fairchild Airplane and Engine in the 50’s and 60’s by "Staatsbedrijf Artillerie Inrichtingen", AI, at Hembrug-Zaandam in the Netherlands.
Established in 1679 in Delft as a mounting company and part of the Stelling van Amsterdam (defense line of Amsterdam) for the Dutch government they became a construction company in August 1679. The original name changed into "Artillerie Inrichtingen" in 1887 after a re-organization. The production moved in the period 1897-1899 to Hembrug-Zaandam. Due to a change in the Dutch legislation the company became a “Staatsbedrijf” (federal company) in 1913. More information about Staatsbedrijf Artillerie Inrichtingen can be found on our website. Read more....
Who are we
We are a group of private AR-10 collectors and owners located in the Netherlands who are particularly interested in the history and technical details of the AR-10. Our main focus will be on the so called “DUTCH” AR-10 manufactured at Hembrug-Zaandam in the Netherlands during the 50's and 60's.
Via our website we would like to invite you to experience the AR-10 in it’s original state and the steps of development this rifle went through during its short period it was manufactured at Hembrug-Zaandam in the Netherlands. The majority of the rifles, parts and documentation you will see on this website are privately owned by the persons who own this website. We are glad that other AR-10 owners offer information and photos for our website to publish it here. We thank them for that matter and will publish their names accordingly or leave their donation anonymous if requested by them.
We are proud to announce our alignment and cooperation with ArmaLite Inc®. Due to this alignment and the sponsorship by ArmaLite Inc® and its president Mark Westrom we are able to provide you with this data and give you the opportunity to enjoy this information at your benefit. If you want to know more about ArmaLite Inc®, please click on the link. Read more....
Mark A. Westrom
ArmaLite, Inc.
"I'd like to welcome you to AR10.nl. I'm sure that you'll find it a wonderful site.
The U.S. ArmaLite staff has always been conscious of the historic nature of our work, and it's a special pleasure when we can meet people with the same feelings, and even better historical authority, during our trips. While demonstrating the AR-10 to Dutch authorities I took a day to visit the people who make this site work. I feel that it's the best site of its type in the world. We at ArmaLite will make sure that you will benefit from the latest information from ArmaLite today, and the men who work so hard on this site will assure that you have absolutely the best information from yesterday.
I look forward to a strong linkage with this site."
The journey you expect to find out will bring you back in time through the history of the rifle, newspaper articles, documents and much more.
So without further introduce I would like to whish you fun on your journey.
Have fun or as we like to say in Dutch “Veel plezier”
Would you like to watch the original video clip?
Please click on the "play" button below and it will show you the video clip featuring Eugene Stoner demonstrating the AR-10.
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as possible, it might be that some data is not correct or might be different.
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